WOD 22.4.22

1 Set of 5 – 70%
3 Sets of 3 – 75-80%
5 Sets of 1 – Climbing to a Heavy.
After each set, 30 sec handstand hold

“The Joker”
For Time:
1 Toes to Bar, 10 Deadlifts
2 Toes to Bar, 9 Deadlifts
3 Toes to Bar, 8 Deadlifts
4 Toes to Bar, 7 Deadlifts
5 Toes to Bar, 6 Deadlifts
6 Toes to Bar, 5 Deadlifts
7 Toes to Bar, 4 Deadlifts
8 Toes to Bar, 3 Deadlifts
9 Toes to Bar, 2 Deadlifts
10 Toes to Bar, 1 Deadlift
Rx – 225/153#

Body Armor
3 Giant Sets:
20 Front Rack KB Box Step-Ups
7 chest to bar pullups
10 diamond push-ups
Rest 2:00 between efforts.